Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why Did Enron Fall - 1804 Words

Why, why did Enron fall? On December of 2001, the nation’s seventh largest corporation valued at almost $70 billion dollars filed for bankruptcy. Illegal and fraudulent accounting procedures would led to the demise of the company. Over 20,000 people lost their jobs, and about $2 billion in pensions and retirement funds disappeared. Despite all this, Kenneth Lay, Jeffrey Skilling and Anthony Fastow profited greatly from Enron. These events resulted in the implementation of new legislation on the accuracy of financial reporting for public companies. The fall of Enron became known as the largest corporate bankruptcy in the United States at the time. CEO Kenneth Lay was a very smart man who always thought ahead of the curve. In his search for new opportunities, he started thinking about the deregulation of energy markets, particularly the natural gas market. Then in 1985, Lay eventually founded Enron in Houston, Texas. This was the result of merging two relatively small regional natural gas pipeline companies: Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth. In 1987, the misappropriation of money by two traders of Enron Oil brought to light the Valhalla scandal. These traders created offshore accounts and phony books, thus betting on the price of oil for Enron on both sides. Despite the executive board’s attempt to bring this case to Lay’s attention, no action was taken against these traders. On the contrary, they were encouraged to keep making money. The traders bet all of Enron’s moneyShow MoreRelatedThe Smartest Guys At The Room : The Amazing Rise And Scandalous Fall Of Enron1654 Words   |  7 PagesIn the Room† the amazing rise and scandalous fall of Enron goes into great detail of what happens when a company has no ethics. It could be said that ethics was the last thing on the minds of the executives that worked at Enron. 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