Wednesday, January 8, 2020

California s Implementation Of Children s Health...

The state of California is active in the payment and delivery system reform. Of the 38 million residents in California, more than 15 million receive care through delegated arrangements with provider organizations in the commercial market, or through Medi-Cal (California’s Medicaid program), Healthy Families (California’s implementation of Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)), and Medicare Advantage plans (California Health Care Almanac, 2015). For the past decade, California’s reimbursement has been through shared risk pool, pay-for-performance quality incentive programs, and full and partial capitation (Pegany Connolly, 2014). Pegany Connolly (2014) state that under the Accountable Care Collaborative (ACO) programs, providers and hospitals don’t want assume additional risk, and reward does not outweigh the risk and investments costs. To increase the potential and impact of ACA reform, California policymakers should take advantage of the ACA delivery and payment reforms, and do so will require careful attention. The Medicaid health home state The Medicaid health home state plan option looks promising for the state of California. This expands beyond the traditional medical homes model, that in many states, have developed in their Medicaid programs. It offers home health services to eligible individual with chronic conditions, with flexibility in selecting home providers (, n.d.). States participating in this option must require that hospitals whoShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Tobacco Cessation And Its Effects On Health And Well Being Of The Community Essay1233 Words   |  5 Pagesproposed multiple solutions to reach this goal. This program aims at redesigning the Medicaid system through domains that introduce new facets that build off of new or old projects. 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A key strategy for our advertising campaign may be to st rengthen the belief that the target population is indeed susceptible thus encouraging involvement. Several of our stated impact objectives could benefit by applying elements of the Health Belief Model, Social Cognitive Theory and Protection Motivation Theory. WhenRead MoreThe Affordable Care Act ( Aca )2269 Words   |  10 PagesWith the implementation of any new program there are bound to be unforeseen errors that causes the plan to be seen as failing when in reality it is just working through some issues. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is going through that process right now. A simple example to point to is the website that was built for the new healthcare system crashing when it was launched. The ACA is also exposing flaws in how healthcare is funded and also projected. 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If you want to understand why we are the only developed country with an employer-based health insurance — really, the only one — then you had better get familiar with the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. The 1954 code is the document in which the federal government codified into law that companies can provide health insurance

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