Saturday, November 9, 2019

Burgess and Atwood and linguistic communication in dystopian societies Essays

Burgess and Atwood and linguistic communication in dystopian societies Essays Burgess and Atwood and linguistic communication in dystopian societies Essay Burgess and Atwood and linguistic communication in dystopian societies Essay as the State attempts to change Alex’s really ideas and behavior forms to do him conform to their impressions of the right citizen ; a point testified to by the words of Dr. Branom when he says: ’You felt ill this afternoon†¦because you’re acquiring better. When we’re healthy we respond to the presence of the hateful with fright and sickness. You’re going healthy that’s all. You’ll be healthier still this clip tomorrow. [ 6 ] In the dystopian universe ofA Clockwork Orangelangauge, in the signifier of slang, is used as a manner of urgently cleaving to the impression of individualism in the face of the homogenising forces of the State and at the book’s decision it is finally successful as Alex retains both his linguistic communication and his sense of Self. The Handmaid’s Tale – Gender Dystopia Margaret Atwood’s novelThe Handmaid’s Taleoffers us a similar and yet subtly different dystopian vision, one that is based ondirectphysical aggression and suppression. WhereasA Clockwork Orangedepicts a society and a State whose force and development is, at first covert and is so revealed, inThe Handmaid’s Talethe power of Gilead over the organic structures and heads of the adult females is obvious from the book’s really gap: We slept in what had one time been the secondary school. The floor was of stained wood, with chevrons of and circles painted on it, for the games that were once played at that place, the basketballs for the hoops cyberspaces were still in topographic point, though the cyberspaces were gone. [ 7 ] There is no covert State power here, none of the concealed docket ofA Clockwork Orange, this gap scene reminds us of the images of disfranchised and anomic refugees or concentration cantonment captives. The adult females have been stripped of all material worth, ready to be molded into what the patriarchal State desires. Womans are classified and characterised harmonizing to their comparative utility to the male dominated societal order, a point most clearly reflected in the coloring material of their apparels: red for the Handmaids, blue for the Wives, brown for the Aunts etc. The desires of the patriarchate are literally inscribed on the organic structures of the adult females in the signifier of their garb and, through the usage of names ( Offred, Ofglen etc. ) their position non merely as objects but as ownerships is invariably asserted. Womans in are Gilead non merely suppressed and exploited, they are dehumanised and de-individuated. In chapter 20 seven, for case Offred offers us a description of the local town that has had all mention to muliebrity removed: We turn out dorsums to the Wall, caput left. Here there are several empty shopfronts, their glass Windowss scrawled with soap. I try to retrieve what was sold in them, one time. Cosmetics? Jewelery? Most of the shops transporting things for work forces are still unfastened ; its merely the 1s covering in what they call amour propres that have been shut down. [ 8 ] In Gilead, female gender is deemed as either unsafe or worthless, it needs to be either restricted or expunged. Handmaids are used strictly as vass for kids, they are robbed of their gender, non even being allowed to utilize soap or cosmetics. Again, as Nancy Walker ( 1990 ) points out, control in Gilead is closely linked to linguistic communication and its utilizations: InThe Handmaid s Talemerely the opinion category have entree to books, scriptural injunctions are distorted, and even Scrabble is a cloak-and-dagger activity. [ 9 ] The linguistic communication that Atwood utilises for her novel is a unusual mixture of antediluvian Biblical mention and modern-day concatenation, as we have already seen, the naming of the Handmaids reflect their position as ownerships through the evocation of of Fred or of Glen but there are deeper significances: Gilead, for case is found in the Old Testament ( Jeremiah 46: 11 ) , the frocks are called habits’ ( Atwood, 1996: 34 ) and the citizens of Gilead greet each other by stating Praise be ( Atwood, 1996: 29 ) , all are clearly mentions to the alteration of linguistic communication to reflect spiritual indoctrination. The Handmaid’s Tale, as David Sisk ( 1997 ) tells us concerns itself, to a really big extent, with the grade that control over a society’s linguistic communication besides means control over the heads of those within it. It is no accident that Offred’s minute of minor rebellion, in the signifier of the Scrabble game with the Commander, is twinned with an enraptured usage of words, as if their really sound signals some exciting glance of release: We drama two games. Larynx, I spell. Valance. Quince. Zygote. I hold the calendered counters with their smooth borders, finger the letters. The feeling is juicy. This is freedom, an eyeblink of it. Limp. I spell. Gorge. What a luxury [ 10 ] Here we see some of the lingual sense ofA Clockwork Orange, like Alex, Offred finds a sense of freedom in the usage of words that are outside of the proscribed, regulated linguistic communication. However, whereas, in Burgess’ novel the semantic change of linguistic communication comes from the user ( Alex’s slang ) inThe Handmaid’s Taleit comes from the oppressive power of the State: Gilead restricts linguistic communication and so excessively the ideas and responses of those that use it. Decisions As we have seen, the word picture of dystopian societies and the representation of linguistic communication inA Clockwork OrangeandThe Handmaid’s Taleare linked and yet perceptibly different. Ultimately both concern themselves with the extent that control over linguistic communication and look equates to command of lives and fates ; Alex is all the stronger for asseverating his control via nadsat and Offred is all the weaker for releasing hers to the linguistic communication of the Republic of Gilead. Both novels characteristic State force of a sort, Burgess’ through Capitalist brainwashing and behavior alteration and Atwood’s through an open patriarchal subjection of adult females ; both of these rather clearly have a modern-day relevancy, the former to theories of psychological intercession prevalent in the sixtiess and 70s ( see for case Alan Kazdin’s bookBehaviour Modification in Applied Settings( 1975 ) ) and the latter to feminist writers such as Andrea Dworkin and Laura Mulvey’s averments on the jussive mood for censoring in arguments refering erotica and the objectification of adult females in the modern media. In an progressively diverse and technologically based society, nevertheless, the existent relevancy of both of these plants lies in their word picture of the power of linguistic communication to both liberate and subjugate. Each suggests that there is a direct correlativity between the ownership of linguistic communication and the flexing of power, a point made by Robin Tolmach Lakoff in his surveyTalking Power: The Politicss of Language in Our Lifes: Language is powerful ; linguistic communication is power. Language is a change-creating force and therefore to be feared and used, if at all, with great attention, non unlike fire. ( Tolmach Lakoff, 1990: 13 ) Mentions Atwood, M ( 1996 ) ,The Handmaid’s Tale, London: Vintage. ( ISBN 0099740915 ) Burgess, A ( 2000 ) ,A Clockwork Orange, London: Penguin. ( ISBN 0141182601 ) Fiedler, K and Bless, H ( 2001 ) , Social Cognition , published in Hewstone, M and Stroebe, W ( explosive detection systems ) ,Introduction to Social Psychology, London: Blackwell, pp.115-150, ( ISBN063120437 ) Holy Bible( 1991 ) , Oxford: Oxford University Press. ( ISBN: 0195283708 ) Kautksy, K ( 1888 ) , Thomas More and his Utopia , available online at hypertext transfer protocol: // [ accessed 14ThursdayDec 2005 ] Kazdin, A ( 1975 ) ,Behaviour Modification in Applied Settings, London: Dorsey Press, ( ISBN 025601681 ) More, T ( 1980 ) ,Utopia, London ; Penguin ( ISBN 0140441654 ) Morrison, B ( 2000 ) ,Introduction, published Burgess, A,A Clockwork Orange, London: Penguin, ( ISBN 0141182601 ) Partridge, E. ( 1933 ) ,Slang: Today and Yesterday, London: Stephen Austin and Sons Sisk, D ( 1997 ) ,Transformations of Language in Modern Dystopias, London: Greenwood Press ( ISBN: 0313304114 ) Sutz, E ( 1957 ) ,The Praise of Wisdom: A Commentary on the Religious and Moral Problems and Background of St Thomas More’s Utopia, Oxford: Oxford University Press ( ISBN: B0000CJXIS ) Tolmach Lakoff, R ( 1990 ) ,Talking Power: The Politicss of Language, London: Basic Books, ( ISBN: 0465083595 ) Walker, N ( 1990 ) ,Feminist Options: Irony and Fantasy in the Contemporary Novel by Women, Mississippi: University of Mississippi ( ISBN: 0878054421 ) Bibliography hypertext transfer protocol: // [ accessed 14ThursdayDecember 2005 ] hypertext transfer protocol: // [ accessed 14ThursdayDecember 2005 ] 1

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