Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Mozart essays

Mozart essays Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was blessed with the talent to compose, play, and site read music. Born to Leopold Mozart in January 27, 1756 in Salzburg, Austria. His father started teaching young Mozart and his sister how to play the piano and violin so young that by the time he was six he was an accomplished keyboard performer. And in 1762 his father took him and his sister to the imperial court in the city of music Vinnea. And they all continued to travel around Europe for next four years. They made extended stays in Paris and London and played for English and French royal families. Mozart was most definitely a prodigy and well celebrated in his time as a composer and keyboarder so much that a man by the name of Johann Christian Bach had great admiration for Mozart. For the next seven years from the age of ten to seventeenth Mozart skill for composing grew and passed many of the older and skilled composers. For the next three years starting in 1766 he stayed in his hometown of Sa lzburg writing music for school dramas in German and Latin. At the young age of twelve he produced his first operas: the German Singspiel Bastien und Bastienne and the opera buffa La finta semplice. Even with his many skills, Mozart could not find any open post for himself. So with his father he once a again went to Italy to become a opera composer at the age of fourteen. He openly stated that he wanted to succeed in operas that offered higher financial rewards than many other types of music of the time. Mozart was very well received in Italy for in Milan he was commission for an opera and in Rome he was made a member of an honorary knightly order by the Pope. And in Bologna, the Academia Filrmonica awarded him membership despite a rule normally requiring candidates to be 20 years old. During these years of travel in Italy he returned to Salzburg between cities and produced his first large scale settings of opera seria: Mitridate, Ascanio ...

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