Thursday, October 31, 2019

Working in a Health and Wellness Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Working in a Health and Wellness Company - Essay Example Problems such as obesity can be attributed to the element of poor diet where individuals consume more of a particular type of food that is mostly rich in fats. Therefore, I would advise the clients on the proper measures they can take in order to overcome this problem. As a consultant, I would also facilitate in updating membership information as well as receiving payments for various services from the members of the club.  Apart from advising the clients about the measures they can take in order to improve their health, our company also specialized in offering training sessions to the clients so that they can improve their wellness. Our company has specially designed facilities that are meant for training and development in a bid to improve the physical fitness of the clients. The company has a gymnasium that is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment that can be used by the clients for all their requirements in carrying out physical exercises. The company also has sporting groun ds where the clients can engage in sporting activities such as cycling, athletics, soccer, and basketball. Our company has a strong orientation towards sporting activities since we believe that it is very important in the health and welfare of the people. The company encourages members to form teams and it often sponsors tournaments as a way of motivating the targeted people to take an active role in the sport.  The company also offers herbal solutions that can be used to improve the health and wellness of different people. One important aspect of the company is that it specializes in using natural solutions to address the health concerns of the people. The company has a staff complement of about 30 employees and it operates three branches in the Kent area. The company has a competitive advantage in that it offers unique products that are not matched by the other products and services offered by other companies.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

History of Atlanta Essay Example for Free

History of Atlanta Essay Even by the standard of America, Atlanta is a young city. Even before it became a settlement, such cities like Cincinnati, Charleston, Chattanooga and New Orleans were already thriving cities. Atlanta can be said to be a bright, aggressive and brash town with the rough ages smoothed by time. The city dashes with the charm of the south. Atlanta has a unique and proud heritage despite its relatively young age and has a past that is worth being preserved. Even though Atlanta was in the South, it was not however of the south from the beginning. It begun as a small railway crossing. As such, it was established as a railway terminus. The culture, values and mores of the town resembled those of the frontier towns of the Old West than of the cities of the Old South. The catalyst for its growth and economy still remains transportation. The city always attracted men and women who possessed vision from the beginning, the opportunists who possessed the foresight to offer the facilities that would make Atlanta become one of the most important cities in the Southeast. The Creek and Cherokee Indians owned the land that is now Atlanta some one hundred and fifty years ago (Robert, 1981). When the first white settlement was founded on the banks of the Chattahoochee River near the Indian village of Standing Peachtree, the United States was well into war. This was in the year eighteen twelve. The white people and the Indians lived together until the year eighteen thirty five when the leaders of Cherokee nation consented under the Treaty of New Echota to leave their lands and move west. During this period, the Cherokee lands were officially under the possession of Georgia, an act that resulted into the infamous Trail of Tears. Farmers and craftsmen from the mountains of North Georgia, Carolinas and Virginia were the early settlers in the area of Atlanta. These early settlers were in most part hardworking and deeply religious. Through lottery disbursements, they came to possess their lands. They lived in harmony and peace with their Indian neighbors. They also owned a few slaves. They built schools and churches. They often traveled to Decatur to trade besides marketing their cotton in Macon which was a hundred miles to the south. In the antebellum south, this society was as close to being termed yeoman as possible. In the metropolitan Atlanta area, some of their pre-Civil War churches, homes, mills and cemeteries are still in existence. The inception of Atlanta was the integration of necessity and geography made possible by the steam engine. The construction of a trade route from the coast of Georgia to the Midwest was voted by the Georgia General Assembly in the year eighteen-thirty six. It was meant to be a state railroad which was to facilitate trade between the state and other regions. The terminal for the railroad was to be at the sparsely populated Georgia Piedmont. It was to run from a particular point on the Tennessee line close to the Tennessee River, starting near Rossville to a point on the Southeastern bank of the Chattahoochee River that could be easily accessed by the branch railroads (Reed, 2006). The name of the railroad was to be the Western and Atlantic Railroad of the State of Georgia. Stephen Harriman Long, an army engineer with a wealth of experience, was offered the task of finding the most practical route foe the new rail line. He chose a site that was eight miles south of the river. The Indian trails and connecting ridges converged at this point. This point that he chose proved to be just the right site with an ideal climate. The stake was driven near the present Five Points in Downtown Atlanta. Atlanta is positioned in the Piedmont Plateau with an elevation of one thousand ands fifty feet yet no natural barriers can impede on the growth of the city. Atlanta grew developed like the towns in the West between the periods that long drove his stake on the ground and the beginning of the civil war. Gold was stroke in the rail lines instead of mining. Opportunists, salesmen, merchants, craftsmen and land speculators were soon attracted by the railroad workers little settlement which was aptly named Terminus. What followed were the warehouses, ironworks, textile industry, sawmills and banks. The city later came to be called Marthasville in honor of the Governors daughter. However, prominent citizens considered this mane to be too long and bucolic for the progressive city and hence were changed to Atlanta. The patterns of settlement were slowly being formed. A substantial merchant residential community known as Mechanicsville thrived around the rail yards. Near the White Hall Tavern grew the West End. Luxurious home begun to be built on Marietta, Whitehall, Broad, lower Peachtree and Washington Street as residential avenues of important citizens begun to be established. However, pre-War Atlanta was not a quiet business community. According to Franklin Garrett, the town was classified as tough even as the number of good, moral citizens increased. The city distinctively developed as a railroad center with vices that were characteristic to rough frontier settlements. Gambling dives, brothels, resorts and drinking were normal in the city and the sporting elements were insulting on their defiance of the public order (Robert, 1981). When the Civil War erupted, Atlanta was already an important city. It had a population of more than ten thousand individuals, banks, manufacturing and retail shops, four rail lines, banks, carriage and wheelwright shops, three thousand eight-hundred homes, tanneries, warehouses, mills and iron foundries. It became an important shipping and supply center for the Confederacy. It also possessed the facilities which made it necessary for the Union forces, led by Sherman, to seize and destroy it. In July 1864, General William Tecumseh Sherman began his campaign from Chattanooga to Atlanta. The city surrendered to his forces on September 2 after a series of battles and a siege of the city lasting for a month. The city was on fire not because of Union shells but mainly due to the box of explosives that the retreating Confederates blew up. Evacuation of the city and the destruction of buildings that could be used by the confederates were ordered by Sherman. By the time Sherman started his march to the sea, the only structures left standing in Atlanta were about four hundred buildings. The city became a ghost town of ashes and rubble. When the residents came back and begun rebuilding the town, the city was still smoldering. The residents came back with a new and stronger spirit than before. Their confidence in the future of Atlanta grew and within five years after the holocaust, the city was rebuilt and its prewar population redoubled. The city adopted a new form of architecture which waxes popular during that era since the original antebellum architecture was almost entirely destroyed during the period of the war. However, some of the few fine whitewashed columned mansions that were in downtown Atlanta survived even though others were later destroyed to provide room for state and city buildings. The limits of the city were originally circular and extended one mile from the zero milepost. Its initial expansions were circular too. The demographic patterns of the city were reestablished as before the war. West End continued to thrive as a residential business community of the upper class. Along the Peachtree and Washington Streets, wealthy white citizens established and built Victorian mansions. Prosperous black enclaves also developed despite the fact that segregation existed in the city. These enclaves were concentrated along Auburn Avenue after 1906. Summerhill, Vine City and many other residential pockets around the central city emerged as black neighborhoods. The city experienced rapid growth from the time that the Civil War ended through the last decade of the nineteenth century. The central business district expanded from Union Depot toward the it’s limits by the end of eighteen seventy (Best of Images of America, 2000). The city was dissected by a path of railroad tracks which converged in the lower downtown gulch. The flow of traffic over the tracks was facilitated by the construction of a network of viaducts that were planned in the turn of the twentieth century and completed twenty five years later. The business district was moved to another level by the viaducts which led to the establishment of another area that is presently known as Underground Atlanta. For the railroad depots, a simple utilitarian Italianate architecture was encouraged and this influenced so much the design of the design of the commercial buildings that were constructed before the turn of the century. The foundation of Atlantas economy within this period still became the railroads. This continued through to the Second World War when emphasis shifted to truck and air transport. The citys growth was spurred by transportation and private enterprise. In the final decade of nineteenth century, new rail lines were added to the citys network. Its dominance as southeasts railroad center became established with the consolidation of ten radiating lines within that decade which included divisions of Southern Railway totaling five. With the recession and depression of the economy of the nation in the nineteen eighties, a series of fairs and expositions were staged by an Atlanta promoter to attract business in this area. In an attempt to establish a new economic base in the postwar south, the International Cotton Exposition was staged in 1881. Atlanta was advertised as a commercial and transportation center by the Cotton States and International Exposition of 1895 which made Atlanta to emerge as one of the major cities of the Southeast. The Exposition became recognized worldwide and by 1903, many regional and national companies had their headquarters in Atlanta. The growth of Atlanta as an industrial base, contrasting it with the rest of the south which was inclined toward agriculture, came as a result of the fair and exposition. Industrial complexes were established along the rail lines, textile mills also came south and mill villages were also constructed to house the workers. The residential perimeters also expanded with the introduction of horse drawn street car in the 1871. There was also the emergence of several private developers. Among the notable private developers was Joel Hurt who built the fast skyscraper in Atlanta. He also established the first planned residential suburb in Atlanta. Atlanta adopted the Chicago school of architecture in the establishment of skyscrapers of elevator buildings. The citys skyline was transformed from the picturesque High Victorian to a collection of multipurpose skyscraper office buildings and hotels. These new buildings attracted a large railroad and insurance. Atlantas distinctive personality is offered by the early commercial buildings and the Victorian and post-Victorian settlements that were build between 1890 and 1930. Atlanta in the southeasts capital city, a future city with strong ties to the past, its soul being the old in the new, a heritage that enhances the quality of life in a modern city.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Aircraft Hydraulic And Pneumatic Systems Engineering Essay

Aircraft Hydraulic And Pneumatic Systems Engineering Essay This report represents investigation and analyzes Airbus A318 pneumatic system. On the other hand, aircraft pneumatic systems will be lay-out in this report. The sources of supply in this system both main and standby will also be mention. The last is the pressure and temperature control in this system will be analysed. The purpose of this report is to analyzing Airbus A318 pneumatic systems and the function of pneumatic systems in Airbus A318. The function Pneumatic system is used to provide High pressure (HP) for air-conditioning, pressurization, pressurization and anti-icing. Engine bleed, APU and external ground service are used to produce HP. The engine bleed air is the air taken within the engine compression stage when pressure and temperature regulated prior. High Pressure Compressor (HPC) stages, intermediate Pressure (IP) stages and HP stages are the place where the air is bled. When the engine in low power condition, the High Pressure Bleed Valve (HPV) will function and supply air to the systems. But, when the pressure inside the IP bleed is sufficient, HPV will closes. HP Valve (HP VLV) HP VLV is switch ON when the IP stage is no enough pressure for pneumatically systems (when engine at low speed). The pressure supply is between 8 to 36 psi. HP VLV is force to close when PRV is closed because HP VLV pressure should no more than PRV pressure. If the sense line over the limitation, the system will over pressure and cause malfunction. The function of Bleed Monitoring Computer (BMC) is to maintain HP VLV closed during the flight. The HP VLV solenoid will active by BMC when: The engine is greater than Idle and pressure is over 80psi. When the Wing Anti Ice (WAI) is OFF condition The altitude is over 15,000 feet The pack configuration is act normal. When solenoid is de-energized, this mean the HP VLV will open. This condition is restrained. IP check valve IP check valve is used to prevent the air flow in the anti-direction. When the HP VLV opens, IP check valve will make sure hit air at IP stage wouldnt flow back to the engine. Pressure Regulating Valve (PRV) The purpose PRV is used to maintain the bleed pressure between 44 psi. Thermal fuse is used to causes the PRV to close when the engines case temperature was around 450Â °C. Control Solenoid (CTL SOL) The CTL SOL is located downstream from the precooler. The purpose is to control PRV pressure will going to bleed out. These systems are operated by pneumatic and electric. The CTL solenoid will energize by BMC when: Over temperature of the precooler Over pressure of the PRV Leak detection surrounding area APU bleed valve not close Starter Valve not closed Overpressure Valve (OPV) This valve is normally open condition, close when pressure is apply on this valve. This valve closes at 75psi and fully closed at 85. It will open around 35psi. Regulated Pressure It is act as a transducer. It is connected to both BMCs and analyzes the pressure from PRV. Transferred Pressure This component is also same function as regulated pressure. But it is used to read from HPV and PRV. Fan Air Valve (FAV) It is used to control the fan airflow to the precooler and maintain bleed air temperature at 200Â °C. FAV Control Thermostat (CTL THERMST) Act as external servo-control. It is located downstream from the precooler. Heat Exchanger (Precooler) It is used to reduce the temperature engine bleed air. Heat Exchanger Outlet Temperature Sensor This component is connected to both BMCs. It is use to control temperature downstream from the precooler. APU Bleed/ External Air APU is used to bleed air supply for air- conditional and engine start when the aircraft was on the ground. On the other hand, APU also use to provide electrical power to supply the electrical systems. APU bleed act as a backup power for both systems. The both bleed systems are fastening together by a cross bleed duct. External air also can be use during in flight, depend on the high of the aircraft. When in flight, the APU bleed supply only supplied by the left hand side of the cross bleed duct. APU bleed APU bleed valve is used to supply APU is running. The valve is operated by electrically by the Electrical Control Box (ECB) solenoid and pneumatic. When air pressure and electrical power are unavailability, valves spring -loaded will shut off. Electrical Control Box (ECB) It is use to monitor the pressure and closes or opens the APU bleed valve. X-Bleed System The function of X-Bleed system is to interconnection of left and right bleed air are system. In the systems, it consists of shut-off valve operated by electrical two DC motors. Primary motor will function in AUTO mode. The position of the shut off valve is controlled by the (BMC) according to the APU bleed configuration. Secondary motor will be used to over dominate the AUTO mode. The position of the valve is manipulated by X-bleed selector. Ground Air Supply It is used so supply air by a ground air cart and connected to the HP ground connector. When ground air cart is connected, only the left hand side of the bleed systems has supply. Left hand side and right hand side bleed system will feed with ground air supply when X-bleed valve selector will be select in the OPEN position. Untitled.jpg SYSTEMS OVERVIEW ENGINE BLEED APU BLEED/ EXTERNAL AIR (From MAINTENANCE COURSE BOOK T1 (CFM56-5B/ME Title: Pneumatic Level) Page 3 Conclusion Airbus A318 pneumatic systems are supply by engine bleed, APU and the Ground air supply. Engine bleed are used provide air pressure when aircraft engine is low power condition. The pressure is control by the HP valve. After the pressure inside the IP bleed is sufficient, high pressure valve (HPV) will shut down. APU is used as standby pneumatic system. It is used to provide electrical power to function the electrical and environment systems. It is used when the aircraft on the ground. APU also used when in flight condition depending on the altitude of the aircraft. It is used so supply air by a ground air cart and connected with HP ground connector. Air only was supply to left hand side of bleed system. So, crossbleed valve will use to feed the air systems to the right hand side of the bleed system.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Spiritual and Physical Dimensions in The Birthmark Essay -- miscel

The Spiritual and Physical Dimensions in The Birthmark Fred Allen Wolf notes in Taking the Quantum Leap that it was not until the 20th century that scientists realized that â€Å"to observe is to disturb, for observation breaks the wholeness of nature.† If observing disturbs, then when a scientist tampers and tries to perfect nature the result can only be disastrous. The goal of most scientists is to observe and understand the mysteries of nature. Nathaniel Hawthorne realized that the scientists of the 19th century were beginning to challenge the traditional views of science and man. The traditional view of man holds that man is both material and spiritual. Advancements in science led some scientists to begin to think that man was only material and therefore with enough enlightenment science could control all of nature including man himself. Hawthorne, however, objected to the idea of man’s ability to totally control all aspects of human life. Hawthorne, in his short story â€Å"The Birthmark,† uses the imagery and c haracter to show that man has both a spiritual and material dimension that are deeply interwoven and unable to be completely controlled. Hawthorne presents the prevailing thinking of the man of science with the introduction of Aylmer who typifies the man of science who thinks that he is able to â€Å"ascend from one step of powerful intelligence to another, until the philosopher should lay his hand on the secret of creative force† (Hawthorne 1). Hawthorne hints that Aylmer believes he can posses â€Å"ultimate and total control of Nature† (1). Hawthorne uses the birthmark on Georgiana’s cheek to represent the spiritual or non-material aspects of man. Initially, when Hawthorne describes the birthmark, he views it as merely a physical defect. He refers to it as being â€Å"the visible mark of earthly imperfection,† (1). As Aylmer continues to dwell on the imperfection, it begins to take on a deeper meaning. He begins to see it as â€Å"the fatal flaw of humanity† which comes from the hand of Nature (1). Later, he sees it as â€Å"the symbol of his wife’s liability to sin, sorrow, decay, and death,† (1). Hawthorne uses Georgiana as a representative of all mankind by telling that Nature places a flaw on â€Å"all her productions,† (1). As Aylmer begins to recognize the defect in connection with her immortality, he begins to acknowledge that there is something deeper than the mater... ...ever understood the reality he denied, it is not certain, but the final commentary by the narrator suggests that Georgiana’s death settles the question of the reality of the natural and spiritual world and the intertwining of the two. He explains that â€Å"the fatal hand had grappled with the mystery of life and was the bond by which an angelic spirit kept itself in union with a mortal frame,† (7). The angelic spirit and the mortal frame were inseparable and one could not exist without the other. It was this that Aylmer could not believe, for he was a man of science, fact, and one whom could not grasp the idea of a spiritual dimension of an individual. Through the birthmark and Aylmer, Hawthorne illustrates that an individual has both a physical body seen by all and a spirit that is unseen. Aylmer first believes, like other scientists, that all things are merely physical. But Georgiana’s birthmark is used to symbolize the spirit that grasps all humans. Georgiana’s death comes when her spirit is removed from her physical body. Hawthorne uses the birthmark’s intertwining with the body to reveal that man has a spiritual dimension and a physical dimension, both of which are intertwined.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Grinch

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the term villain? Often when we think of a villain we think of people who revel in destruction and have dark masks obscuring their faces. However, we are quick to forget the unseen killers. The ones that go unpunished, people who are incurable taking the world by storm. That is why, out of the unlimited number of villains we have to choose from, as our incessant need to create heroes whom we can place hope in continues, the Caring is by far the best villain.In the movie, â€Å"The Caring†, he proves to know his power isn't his ability to destroy things but the happiness of the people who own them. He knows more than death and demolition his ability to be the Caring, to spread his disease of depression and take away the very enthusiasm that pushes Hovel forward as a society, gives him complete control and makes him truly nefarious. His usual tactics begin to become insufficient in filling the void he knows , deep down, only acceptance will mend. In a furious attempt to push this concept away he decides to steal Christmas.Trapped in a world of despondency and numbness, Caring envies the Who's and their ability to love and feel because he fears love is something he will never be acquainted with. He wants everyone else around him to see life In the same way he does and decides the best way to do this Is to target one of the last vestiges of hope and childhood the Who's have left. The Caring is a clear embodiment of the many qualities and characteristics specific to a villain we discussed in class such as inferiority complex, visual otherness and determination of the will .One only need to heed light to the aspects of the Caring that make him a crook to reveal a very effective and Intriguing one at that. Due to self-image issues and childhood trauma,the Caring has a severe inferiority complex. The Caring is portrayed in a very comic manner but in truth this humor is used to obscure the pain and subsi diaries he's attempted to suppress all his life. He has all this hate and disappointment aimed towards himself but he is Incapable of understanding that the only way to beat ourselves Is to stop fighting, to let go.The Caring tries to counterbalance what he feels towards himself by becoming great and rueful to prove to himself that he's worth something. This is why man v. S self is the hardest battle to wage. The Caring is an equal opponent of himself so he will never win; with every bit of power he gains he will find another thing about himself to antagonize over. His blindness continually pushes him to try and substantiate his reign over Whole. At one point in the movie we see him go into Weevil and absolutely terrorize the people but his high fades as he returns home.As he changes clothes the first thing he does Is pick on how his body looks and decides he can't go o Weevil with Cindy because his schedule is booked with wallowing in self-pity, staring into the abyss, wrestling wi th his self-loathing, and dinner with himself. This is interesting because his desire to eat alone shows he doesn't think he deserves the presence and company of others in his life. Another noticeable example we see in simply trying to overcompensate for his lack of self-esteem.However, The Caring, along with audience sees that even stealing Christmas doesn't make him powerful enough to banish his own demons. Another trait the Caring exhibits is visual otherness. In this case the Gringo's inferiority complex and visual otherness are strongly linked and codependent to an extent. The Caring despises the way he looks and always compares himself to others which creates an atmosphere perfect for self-hatred and a feeling of inferiority. The Gringo's visual otherness is a very prominent component of not only how he views himself but of how the others depict him.He is bright green and furry from head to toe with chipped rotting teeth, deep wrinkle lines etched into his skin, and an unkempt green mass of hair on his head somewhat resembling a Mohawk. This is definitely a major contrast to rosy cheeked blond haired Cindy Lo Who. In this movie, his outer appearance is meant to reflect the self-torment going on inside. From a young age he struggles with choosing his humanity over the beast inside and we can see this paralleled in his appearance.As he turns further away from his humanity he looks less and less like a human and more like the tortured soul the rejection and hardness of the world has molded him into. As in many stories we can distinguish the characters between the ways they look or the colors they wear. The Green of the Gringo's skin and the dirty brown of the rags he wears represent evil, while the Jovial bright reds and pinks associated with Cindy Lo Who represent pure goodness and a rare untainted innocence. We often say love makes man do the most irrational things, but one could argue its heartbreak.It was the lethal combination of heartbreak and determi nation of the will that compelled the Caring to destroy the society that told him (even when he shed all the things that made him unique)he wasn't good enough and that he would never be good enough. That's why he's such a significant villain. The pain of the heartbreak the Who's caused him, along with his infallible drive to accomplish whatever he sets his mind to, makes him almost inexorable. However this determination is a quality often shared between the villain and the hero.This is because determination of the will is an impartial trait with equal opportunity to be claimed either for darkness or light. It depends on who possesses it. The Caring, being an anti-villain, has darkness in him but he also has light. While this quality is identified in his obstinacy of wanting to story Christmas and the spirit of the Who's, we can also distinguish it in his unrelenting resolve to make Martha a Christmas gift worthy of her love, or in his ability to pull a sled weighing more than a ton off the side of a cliff on account of pure willpower and his desire to save the little girl sitting in it.When it comes to his goals and ambitions, the Caring demonstrates tunnel vision, seeing nothing but the final outcome he desires to reach. When we see things with blinders on as the Caring does, we can become dangerous as we lose our ability to see consequences and the indirect impact of our actions. However, this allows us to pull strength from within ourselves we never knew we had to complete our undertakings. This immense Gringo's actions.It is apparent that the crunch is a very interesting and dynamic character with many aspects that make him villainous and offer explanation for the commonly known phrase â€Å"his heart was two sizes too small. † Inferiority complex, visual otherness and determination of the will, provide undeniable proof the Caring is a villain but it has yet to be understood why the Caring is the best villain. The reason the Caring is such a fantast ic villain is because Hess so relatable; we can all see a little of ourselves him.While we usually don't go climb a mountain over it, we all have days where we are plagued with doubts about where we fit into our society, never mind the world, and dysphasia spreads like a disease through our minds. We all have days where we are angry at the world and feel that's causing destruction and pain is the only way to satisfy our rage. We also all carry that determination to fight for what we want even when we know its wrong. Dry.Issues manages to create a character in which we can recognize villainous qualities and tendencies, but still have hope for him because we recognize those same aspects in ourselves, and we have to believe there's hope for people like the Caring because we have to believe there is hope for people like ourselves. Ultimately, the Caring is a portrait of the war between the good and bad in all of us and teaches us we can be fixed and we're not all doomed to be broken rec ords repeating our same mistakes again and again never being able to let go.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Mozart essays

Mozart essays Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was blessed with the talent to compose, play, and site read music. Born to Leopold Mozart in January 27, 1756 in Salzburg, Austria. His father started teaching young Mozart and his sister how to play the piano and violin so young that by the time he was six he was an accomplished keyboard performer. And in 1762 his father took him and his sister to the imperial court in the city of music Vinnea. And they all continued to travel around Europe for next four years. They made extended stays in Paris and London and played for English and French royal families. Mozart was most definitely a prodigy and well celebrated in his time as a composer and keyboarder so much that a man by the name of Johann Christian Bach had great admiration for Mozart. For the next seven years from the age of ten to seventeenth Mozart skill for composing grew and passed many of the older and skilled composers. For the next three years starting in 1766 he stayed in his hometown of Sa lzburg writing music for school dramas in German and Latin. At the young age of twelve he produced his first operas: the German Singspiel Bastien und Bastienne and the opera buffa La finta semplice. Even with his many skills, Mozart could not find any open post for himself. So with his father he once a again went to Italy to become a opera composer at the age of fourteen. He openly stated that he wanted to succeed in operas that offered higher financial rewards than many other types of music of the time. Mozart was very well received in Italy for in Milan he was commission for an opera and in Rome he was made a member of an honorary knightly order by the Pope. And in Bologna, the Academia Filrmonica awarded him membership despite a rule normally requiring candidates to be 20 years old. During these years of travel in Italy he returned to Salzburg between cities and produced his first large scale settings of opera seria: Mitridate, Ascanio ...